Bare Naked Wools is known for being one of the only companies in the U.S. to provide undyed yarns in single breed and wool blends, wool and alpaca blends, and luxury blends. Bypassing chemical processing and dyes in favor of showcasing the unique colors and characteristics of each fiber type, Bare Naked Wools offers hand knitting yarns with the spring and vitality of handspun and the consistency of millspun. We like to say that knitting with our yarn is like eating food from the garden, lively and full of flavor as they pass through your hands.
Bare Naked Wools is a branch of Knitspot, the company created by knitwear designer, Anne Hanson, offering hand knitting patterns for all sizes, styles and skill levels. Knitspot provides a design aesthetic that showcase the beauty of our natural fibers and yarn shades.